Air Shade invented a totally new approach to improve indoor air quality (IAQ). We then discovered that, while an HVAC system is both necessary and highly beneficial, it has a fundamental design flaw when it comes to airborne disease: cross-flow and mixing. HVAC systems pull air across a room, from supply vents to returns.

This cross-flow means potentially infection-laden exhaled breath is mixed with general room air and pulled past others in the same space. No matter how cutting-edge the cleaning technology used by the HVAC system, its in the wrong place to help prevent the spread of airborne disease.  AirShade technology is highly complementary to HVAC systems. The combination of multiple AirShade units operating with an HVAC system in a room not only reduces cross airborne contamination but also significantly increases clean air turns per hour in the room.

Clean Indoor Air Turns Per Hour Increased by AirShade

AirShade can greatly increase indoor clean air turns per hour for most indoor venues or spaces where it is placed. By way of example only, the average classroom in the United States is said to have approximately 2 – 3 indoor clean air turns per hour. Harvard’s research states that Harvard encourages this number to be 6 clean air turns per hour. With AirShade installed at each students desk the indoor clean air turns per hour for an average classroom in the US will go up to nine (9) and in many cases ten plus (10+) clean air turns per hour.

Venue Type
eACJ* without AirShade eACH* with AirShade (32 CADR ea.)
@ every seat + Existing HVAC
Est % Increase with AirShade
School Classroom
(7,200 cubic feet)
Aircraft 737-800
(5,000 cubic feet: 189 seats)
Light Rail
(7,753 cubic feet: 150 seats)
School Bus (Average Size)
(960 cubic feet: 48 seats)
Mid Size Automobile (Average) (141 cubic feet: 5 seats)2-3~2-3~70+%3.500
Heavy Rail
(11,050 cubic feet: 103 seats)
eACH* = Equivalent Clean Indoor Air Turns Per Hour

AirShade utilizes an exhaled air blocking surface which stops the forward movement of exhaled air (breath, cough, sneeze) and allows it to be quickly captured by an air suction intake and then cleaned by a HEPA filter or other mode of air purification.

The AirShade blocking surface can be any surface located within 3 feet in front of the face of a person exhaling air: a monitor screen, backside of a seat back, or an attachment to the front of a desk, etc. Once captured and cleaned, the air is returned to the room 99.97% free of pathogens